Don’t say I never did anything nice for you.
I have a running skirt to give away. Off my very back (or butt, to be more specific). I got this skirt, which has never been worn, at the Skirt Chaser 5K in August. Still has the tags on, so I never wore it or did anything weird in it. It’s a size XS, but these run big, so I’d say it’s more of a size S. It’s made by Skirt Sports and retails for $60. It is black with bright pink undershorts (attached) and a slit on the side, pocket in the back. Totally cute.
It goes great with feetie ice cream pajamas:
If you’d like to enter, all you need to do is leave a comment telling me why you read my blog. That’s it! Giveaway ends 11/15.
The fine print:
- Contest open to both US and Canadian residents! (Yay Marlene!)
- The winner will be chosen by me on November 15.
- Check back November 15 to see if you won!
- If I don’t hear back from the winner within 2 days after posting that they’ve won, I’ll chose a second winner.
Good luck,
I read because you have a great sense of humor!
ReplyDeleteJust stumbled upon your blog! But I'm likin' what I see! =) I am a new runner (running since July) and I am trying to learn ALL I can so I have been blog stalking all manner of runners to try to soak in as much information as I can!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to win this skirt!! I dont have much in the way of running gear, and being a homeschool mom of 5, I dont have a much of extra money to throwdown for running gear =) I'll be checking back frequently!
Your blog is like E TV for me. Like "the soup" but somewhat running related..ha! Love it and it just "goes" with my morning coffee. The skirt definitely goes with those jammies! Yeah-those crutches have definitely limited my purchases in the XS dept. lately. Perhaps if it fits like a small I can squeeze one leg into it!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog for the poop talk ;o) Seriously though, I just enjoy your sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteYou are just so entertaining - that's why I read! I have to say, I was getting a little tired of all of those giveaways you had available to US residents only, but am glad I stuck it out for this one! Cute skirt!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are entertaining! You have a way of saying things that makes me giggle!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you tell it like it is. You are so funny and its always a good read.
ReplyDeleteSUAR- i read your blog because you make me laugh my ass off everytime i read your blog, you inspire me to reach my running goal, you give good advice and i'm jealous of your skinny ass (what you weigh 100 lbs when you wet?) keep on keepin on!
ReplyDeleteI read because it's nice to have a fellow gimp cheer you up :-)
ReplyDeleteI read bc I am guarantee to almost be peeing my pants laughing during at least 3 moments while reading your posts. I love that you tell it like it is!
ReplyDeleteI keep coming back for more Shut up and Run because I love how you say the things most people won't. You talk about real things, running and life in general with words I wish I could find. And you were the first blog I ever found that made me feel like Finally I wasn't the only one out there to have 'copped a squat' while running.
ReplyDeleteI read because first and foremost you come across as a genuinely nice person and of course because you talk about poop! There is no way my pregnant butt will fit in that skirt right now but it will be a good goal to reach for come next summer:). Either that or I can give it to my skinny little sister!
ReplyDeleteWooHoo! A contest open to Canadians! WooHoo again!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because we are similar in age and life situations and have similar running goals. I don't share your GI troubles but I do empathize with them. And, last but not least, you make me laugh.
Based on the pic Q On The Move posted today, this might be a good giveaway for him...
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog because you are real, funny, sarcastic and open to the world, no holds barred. And, to chime in with everyone else- because of poop. What has been seen cannot be unseen. ;)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe no one has said it in true SUAR fashion...I read your blog because you are full of shit...literally! Your endless shit stories make me feel so good about the places we ALL stop to crap on a run!
ReplyDelete(And I like that you are a mom, and stubborn and unstoppable and that you have a one eyed dog...I have a 3-legged cat)
I read your blog because you might be borderline insane, and I love it. It makes me feel closer to "normal" ;) I love reading about your crazy antics and hope someday I can have a crazy running partner like you!
ReplyDeleteHi there
ReplyDeleteI live and work in cape Town South Africa... Now I get to work early and spend the time before work surfing for running blogs to read. This morning I came across your blog and I think I will save it to Favorites. I love reading (and talking) about running, this is my passion and my poor wife normaly takes 2nd place!!! Don't worry she also runs.
I read blogs like yours and feel the little writing I do isn't very good, so you inspire me to write more and better, funnier and more interesting. So as long as your blog remains a good read I will be there reading it.
Now (if I win) if the 'skort' fits me I'll send you a picture of me in it, Then again if it's to small my wife will love me forever, and I will be able to run more write more and keep reading your blog!!!
Thank you
Because you're sassy!!!
ReplyDelete(your blog is the first one I hit up on in Reader because it always brightens my day!)
i love your blog because you are just so damn honest.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you crack me up, and shock me sometimes!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because it is one of my very first running blogs to find 3 weeks ago when I started blogging and I like your style. You keep things real. I love that you talk about things like farting in pools and making bubbles...things that we all think but not always say. I love that you don't have a huge verbal or blog filter and just let it come as it comes to you! refreshing really.
ReplyDeleteBecause of your giveaways.
I read this blog beacuse you are funny, you keep it real and you talk about poo a lot.
ReplyDeleteI <3 running skirts!! this one rocks too!!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog becuase you are not afraid to use words like ass, hairy crack, penis, douche. You are real. You are funny. You are an inspiration.
Thanks for a great read :)
I'm an overseas high school teacher who loves your blog! Gives me a great laugh after a sometimes trying day with hormonal teens.
ReplyDeleteLori Grant
Misawa Air Base, Japan
I read because Im not a runner yet in my mind and you inspire me.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because my brother reads your blog. We are about the same age and seem to be on the same page. Wearing a skirt to run sounds intriguing, only I hesitated to sign up since I would have to make sure my legs a shaven during the winter, I'm not sure I'll have time for that but hey, if it's a free running skirt, I'll suck it up...Do I have to wear nylon's?? Do they even make nylon's anymore? You make my mornings! Sheri
ReplyDeleteBecause it is absolutely. freaking. histerical! I have been a runner now for 8 years and have never met someone with such a great attitude and one-liners about running.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you talk about poop more than my husband and I do. Plus, your abs give me hope that you can look ridiculously hot after kids.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you make me laugh. You are funny and you are real.
ReplyDeleteI read because your blog is humorous and informative!!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you talk about things like crap. and penis's (peni?). and you're funny.
ReplyDeleteI need to win because today is my birthday and I had a sucky run this morning and I need something to make me feel better!
I read your blog because is always makes me laugh and because I think you are absolutely amazing.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are real. I find myself nodding in approval when you go mention your bathroom rituals. I almost cried when I read the injury post. And on top of all that, you make me laugh on a daily basis. What more could I fask or from a blog??? :)
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because it always makes me laugh!
ReplyDeletei read you because you make me giggle inappropriately at work ;)
ReplyDeleteBecause you are funny and you aren't afraid to post pics of yourself, especially one eyed goofy ones. Besides its nice to hear what another running is thinking; ups and downs, triumphs and plans of running.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you crack me up. Your blog guarantees that I gain a little bit of knowledge, have a good laugh, and know that someone commiserates with me on the stupid people in the world.
ReplyDeleteJenn out it very well! That's what I read it, too:)
ReplyDeleteI read because you're hilarious, you are honest and don't BS around, you're an amazing runner and inspire me to keep going, and you have a really good heart.
ReplyDeletei read your blog b/c hands down it's the funniest one that i've found. and you talk about poo. what else is there, really?
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I knew…I just knew that the day would come when you’d give away a running skirt and when that day came…I’d be ready.
ReplyDeleteI read you blog because you crack (almost wrote crap, is that a sign?) me up and are a fountain of information all at the same time! Thanks to you I have found sites I never knew existed and now know who Dean Karnazes is :-D
ReplyDeleteI read your blog cause I like to run and laugh and fart (sometimes all at the same time, but not necessarily)
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because, yes, you are hilarious. But mostly because you motivate me and prove that it's cool to be a runner!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I'm stuck at work with nothing else to do.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you talk about poop.
ReplyDeletei love reading because you make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog and comment to make a connection so that I have a place to stay when I'm in Denver.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you can make any event interesting and hilarious. I love your humor and your outlook on life. Plus your running is inspiring. I have never run in a skirt - hope to try it out!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are just too funny! I love funny!!
ReplyDeleteDear SUAR,
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because it is motivating, inspiring, and hilarious. You crack me up and remind me that none of us is perfect. Your dedication to running and to your family are excellent models that I hope to replicate when I have children too.
Keep up the good work!
I read one, because you're a fellow Longmontian, yeah I don't think that is how you'd say it but I like to make up my own words. Second because you're hilarious and motivating, and in some posts can make me laugh, cringe and cry at the same time.
ReplyDeleteI live in your neck of the woods, so I love to read and see where you've run and what you've done locally. Mostly I read cause I relate to you and you make me smile every day.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I love your frank opinions and funny outlook. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because your funny and not afraid to put it all out there.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you make me laugh. Seriously, I laugh at least once on every post. You don't have much of a tell it like it is and I like that.
ReplyDeleteCan't use the skirt because its too small but just wanted to let others know this skirt is awesome. I received one myself from this year's Skirt Chaser 5k in Pittsburgh. Very comfy and practical!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are honest and hilarious! I love to have a little comedy in my day and you always seem to deliver!!!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you tell it like it is, bad or good. Also, you're pretty funny too!
ReplyDeleteI love Q's comment :)
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are so genuine!
You make me laugh out loud with your talk of poop and farts and your bathtub pics and yoga poses...and despite all your silliness, it comes across loud and clear that you're an amazing mother and a beautiful person.
I read your blog because I enjoy your humor and I enjoy the pictures.
ReplyDeleteYou are a (funny, awesome, talented) reminder to me to stop talking about running, and go do it. Whenever I see your posts, usually when I am at work, I think, "Hey, I should go for a run." My running schedule now includes breaking out in random runs around the building (about a mile) throughout the day.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you're honest and funny. You blog about things that I'm not brave enough to yet. I also like reading blogs of runners and triathletes that are ahead of me, because it inspires me by what I might be able to do someday too.
ReplyDeleteI read because there's no other blog on the planet where I can laugh my tooshie off about the perils of running and going to the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteRun on.
I read because you keep it real. Anyone who runs for a certain amount of time is bound to experience what you write about.
ReplyDeleteLOL I read your blog because you are freaking funny! LOL You will talk about anything including all of those things most people are too embarassed to talk about but still need to know about; the no nonsense tone is enlightening! LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteLove the skirt - it's my size!
ReplyDeleteThere are quite a few reasons I read your blog.
Most of the time, you see the funny side of embarrassing and/or serious situations. It tells the rest of us to not take life so seriously.
I read your blog because you're an excellent writer. You must be - I read almost every word most of the time (more than I can say for most blogs).
The last reason I'll list is that you motivate. Your running glory has not come easy. You work for everything you achieve. That is very motivational to me.
Yours was the first blog I followed, because your posts are positive (mostly) but not sugar coated. I learn something new just about every day I read SUAR
ReplyDeleteOh so many reasons why I love reading your blog - your are funny, honest, an amazing runner that I aspire to be like, a mom in her forties I can relate to, and similar bathroom issues ( although this one I wish I didn't relate to..:) )
ReplyDeleteAnd I've been wanting to try on one of the Sports Skirts for ever so this would be perfect!
I read your blog daily because you are funny, inspiring and seem like a cool lady.
ReplyDelete~Erin from FL~
I just started reading your blog. I love that it is sassy and focused on my new passion for running. I also hope to pick up tips on blaming my children for my farts and getting away with it.
ReplyDeleteLOL - thanks for the shout out. Woohoo or Canada!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I don't think I could fit even one leg into an XS (or S for that matter). But thanks. :D
I stumbled across your blog once and have enjoyed reading it, it always makes me smile. It's the blunt honesty that I love!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I LOVE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are real, honest, and you talk about poop!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because it makes me laugh, and I'm a runner and want to hear what you have to say about running :)
ReplyDeleteI read because your are real, and funny, and honest, and FUNNY.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you make me laugh. And I love that I got to meet you at the expo in Denver!
ReplyDeleteI read because you make me laugh and inspire me to keep running!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you have so many followers and I'm dazzled by celebrity!
ReplyDeleteThough that size would probably cut up my circulation and I'd get gangrene on my legs, I could totally give it to one of my friends who been dying to try SkirtSports (I wear them all the time and love them).
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I read your blog because you're funny. Duh.
I read your blog because you are funny and honest (at least I think that you are...). And, sometimes I need to be reminded to shut up and run!
ReplyDeleteI read because you keep me entertained, motivated and I learn a lot from you!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you're honest, witty, and not afraid to talk about poop on the world wide web. You also make me feel a little less abnormal for being so obsessed with running.
ReplyDeletesending you recovery vibes :)
I enjoying reading your blog to learn more about the latest pooping issues. Running skirts are a discreet way to disguise any "accident's". My husband doesn't get it why I have to stop running to go to the bathroom - "why don't you go before you start?". If it was only that easy!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you're so open and you have no issue sharing anything with us. I want honest truths about the craziness I'm getting into.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I can relate to what you talk about. It's always nice to read about people who think and feel the same things
ReplyDeleteIf you post it, I will read it. You are in my blogreader. Funny and informative. This is my size now. :)
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog because it's real and funny. You are a real person with a writing gift which makes life fun.
ReplyDeleteWould love a running skirt!
I read your blog because you're authentic, not afraid to speak your mind about the real stuff (sometimes serious, sometimes crude, always hilarious), and down right inspirational. Who gets to run with Dean?! Who BQ's as a mom of 2?! 'sides, you live in CO so I totally connect with you. CO rocks. So does your blog. And that's why I read.
ReplyDeleteI read just because it's about running.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you honestly talk about what is on your mind at the time. Also, because I find what you say absolutely hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteI read your BLOG because of your wit, humor and insight. Plus the fact that much of what you say is what I think!
ReplyDeleteWith my child bearing hips I never wear a size small of anything but I'm just tickled pink that Canadians are included in the draw!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are funny and self-effacing and I appreciate those qualities.
ReplyDeleteDamn right I'll wear it!
ReplyDeleteYa make me laugh, I relate to your life, and I ain't got nothin' else to do...HA!
ReplyDeleteno but your blog;-)
I read your blog because you crack me the crap up and you are as crazy about running as me.I enjoy knowing I am not alone in my obsession.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog b/c it keeps me motivated as I train for my first full... just over 3 weeks away now!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because it makes me laugh too. And because you say the things I don't have the guts to say!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are so honest and real. I admire your accomplishments as a mother, wife, and runner. You are also hilarious and say what many of us feel, but are too coward to say.
ReplyDeleteI read because it's nice to hear someone say the things that everyone thinks but no one says!
ReplyDeleteI read because when bad shit happens to you, it makes me feel better about myself! JUST KIDDING!! I read b/c you're funny and entertaining, where most people writing about running are serious and boring.
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up! And I adore the fact that you just tell it like it is. No sugar coated fluff here. There are lots of other puppy dogs and rainbows everybody hug kind of runner blogs out there (which I also enjoy), but sometimes it's nice to just have it all thrown out there. It's refreshing. :)
ReplyDeleteI just recently found your blog and I really laugh at your humor! You really do have a great sense of it! I would love to win the skirt!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are genuine. That is hard to find today, in the real world or online...kudos. I could use a killer running skirt, too.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through I think the first post I read was about Lucky going to the vet the night before your marathon. Your style of writing is so much like how I think, that I always come back for more. Thank you. I hope your recovery is going well.
ReplyDeletei read your blog b/c you are the only person i know who will talk openly and truthfully about poop and pooping and farting and i thank you for that.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you literally make me laugh out loud and because you call it as you see it!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because...
ReplyDelete1. you inspire me.
2. you keep me motivated.
3. I learn from you.
4. I think you're an awesome athlete and mom.
5. you're funny.
6. coz you read mine too.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your straight forward attitude. "This is who I am... The good and the bad. Take it or leave it" You own who you are and are proud of it. Very refreshing in a world of women pressured to be perfect and phony. Thank you SUAR!! AmyD (
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I get it straight, not watered down.
ReplyDeleteI read because we run at a similar pace (when you're on land) and you're very motivating. And you're hilarious. I just qualified for Boston for the first time, so maybe I'll even meet you there!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog every morning for inspiration and a good laugh. thanks for helping me get out the door in the mornings!
ReplyDeleteOHHH pick me!!!!!!!!!! I may live closest to you! Ok maybe not!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI started reading a few weeks ago and have been addicted since! You are so funny and really tell it like it is!! I have been running for years and just love, love, love it! I am so glad to have found fellow runners like myself! I do not own a running skirt but I recently started looking around online for one! So excited to see who wins! Thanks for all the laughs and get well soon!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because we are soul sisters. I need inspiration to get back on the road. This skirt will help. Do for the runner in me.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't sum up why I read your blog in just a comment, I thought it deserved an entire post:
I read your blog because you make life and running funny! And because you're not afraid to tell it like it is!
ReplyDeleteI read for the opportunity to win opposite sex, wrong size clothing. doesn't everyone else!? :)
ReplyDelete(Cool idea to do this with something that you may not use as much as someone else)
I read your blog because the first post I ever read was about the pooptree and I knew then that I wasn't alone... :)
ReplyDeleteps - pretty sure that I won't win now that Laurie posted her ode...
I read your blog because you are absolutely hilarious plus you have so many good stories and great advice for running!! Oh I hope I win!!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I want to be you when I grow up.
ReplyDeleteLoved Laurie's ode, BTW! Oh, and even if my number does come up as the winner, please draw again. I have no use for an XS shirt. They don't run *this* big, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you are doing something I cannot do! No, I am not talking about crapping while running, I am talking about BQ and running with a legend among other things.
ReplyDeleteahhh what a cute skirt. I want it! I love reading your blog b/c you're hilarious and crazy fast. :)
ReplyDeletei read your blog because you're funny and honest! 2 awesome qualities!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you're real, and funny! :D
ReplyDeleteI read for the comic relief, the tender moments, the great running inspiration.
ReplyDeleteAnd for videos like you spinning on the chair while your dh is tying knots. Funny!!
I read because you don't dish out bullshit. Honesty is the best policy and usually makes for funnier shit than the "creative" liberties some authors take.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I love people that talk about poop!! You seriously crack me up!!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because of the true talk...I need to hear it like it is...poop and all, LOL. I can't fit in a small skirt, so no point in winning here....maybe one day though.
ReplyDelete1. Running 2. Colorado 3. Poop
ReplyDeleteI read it for real inspiration -love reading about running from someone who's completely up-front and real about it.
ReplyDeleteWhere to start!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you're REAL. You tell it like it is, and don't sugar coat it. You have the ability to write and say what we all want to but with a bit more flare. Plus, you're a great follower yourselef ;) You always manage to leave fun, helpful, uplifting comments - a sign of a true blogger ;)
I read because you're funny and you're local and I want to feel part of some sort of running community (even though I'm not) right here.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because it is the perfect blend of humor and sincerity. I have become obsesessed with running and your blog fits the bill. Helps push me to be better without being intimidated.
ReplyDeletei read because you're funny and also have good things to say about running :)
ReplyDeleteSimple. You make me smile. You provide inspiration. And you tease us with the random boob shot.
ReplyDeleteIt's all good. Thank you. :-)
I read your blog because you have a great sense of humor and because you encourage me that when I'm your age I can still be running! Yes, I just said that :)
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog today, so I have a lot of catching up to do...however, I have already added you to my favorite running blogs!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you make me laugh, aren't ashamed to talk about the seedy underbelly of running, and are a great writer. I get excited when Google reader tells me I have an unread Shut Up and Run post!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you're funny, and have a mostly sane approach to running!
If you give it to my sister, Sheri Moore, I will share the best pizza recipe. Heck, I will give you the recipe anyway. It's at Thanks
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of reasons why I like your blog :) But the ones that stand out immediately are that you're funny, frank, daring, honest, and you embrace life!!
ReplyDeletei read it for motivation to run again, and product reviews.
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because you were on my cousins blog. Also because I need to know that at my age I can someday run like you even with a cracked hip, well I mean I would be taking a break too if I cracked but then I am just getting running and you inspire me to keep it up. Watching to see your running getting really going again. Besides I need a cute skirt to run in this spring I do not have any.
ReplyDeleteI am fairly new around these parts, but I read your blog bc you are real.. you are 'approachable'. :D
ReplyDeletei read your blog because i wish i still lived in colorado and ran as fast as you!! :)